Other Topics

Other Topics

Release instructions

The instructions for the carrier and warehouse are defined for each Release type as default

also the disclaimer instructions of carrier and warehouse are entered in this nodule.

The instructions will be printed by default in all the releases for the carrier & warehouse to follow.

Customer Release Instructions

 Customers to ensure the delivery of their material in good condition provide default instructions

& instruct the receipt of material only on selective days & time, which is part of terms & Conditions of their PO.

The above instructions entered are updated in the Customer master,

whenever the release takes place, the instruction will be printed by default.

Equipment Types

The truck/carrier/oceanic Vessel/Trailer etc., are maintained with details of capacity to carry the load &

other infrastructures available in the Equipment, to choose the appropriate equipment type  for transport of materials.

Printing Chemistries on BOL

To print the chemistries of the material in the BOL, 

enable the check box. The field is available in PO & Release module as 

In invoice module as   to enable as "Y".

Create a Sales Invoice

A customer can be invoiced at the time of making a Release by

Clicking on 

to open up a new Screen as below, enter the customer PO


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