Vendors-Customers Maintenance

Vendors-Customers Maintenance

Module Defaults

The configuration for both Vendors/Customers are maintained by entering values in the field.

or by choosing the values from the list down or by enabling the check box against the

field which is part of the vendor/customer screen or process or functionality or

in the report as per the decision of the management.

Maintain Vendors/Customers

The below browse window displays both Vendors/Customers,

by default the viewing field will be blank, the user can choose any of the options to

list down either the Vendors or Customers or Supply and Buy (BOTH).


 Customer Info Tab: Basic information will be update in the master of Vendor and Customer number, Name ,

Address and few statutory info are to be entered Federal ID, DUNS etc.,

Type is an important attribute to be chosen,

both supply and buying is done by an entity, select "BOTH", if not only supply " VENDOR", if only buying" CUSTOMER".

Option with buttons is available at the bottom of the Main Window attributes/features/Pricing/Parts etc.,  

exclusive to the customer or vendor are defined.

Contacts Tab: The default Customer contact under our receivables will be updated,

if its Vendor the default contact details will be updated in under our payables.

Email notification in case of Toll Orders will be updated as shown in the below screen.

Apart from the default any other contacts can be updated by Click on "ADD”.


Sales Info Tab: The summary amount and weight of invoices raised against the

customer for the current year and month are displayed on click of  refresh- , if for previous year 

enter the year and click on refresh to display data.

Invoice Info Tab: The tab display invoices and credit memos based on the filter options selected by the user,


with the columns both past & current invoices , unpaid & paid etc.,


The information is available for the sales person to immediately follow up on the receivables without 

depending on the accounts personnel for information of invoices or due days etc.,

Apart from the invoices information the buttons with options to view the Accounts Receivable, Ledger Balance and

customer margin analysis.


on Click of  , the details of opening and closing balances apart from the invoice no,

date amount, paid or unpaid etc., are displayed in the window.

On click ofthe details of payment received against the invoice,

running balance and other details are displayed. 

Check box enabled against include closed invoices will include invoices paid,

Check box enabled against include payables  will list all the invoices paid by us.

Payments Received  Tab: On navigating to the tab, payments received against invoices raised will be displayed.

Purchases Tab: The tab details purchases made by defaults for the past 1 year,

on the right of the window vendor attributes are configured like  purchase approval  and ISO certification details are entered.

Payments Made Tab: The tab details payment made against supplies received with cheque number and vendor invoices.

Notes Tab : The tab is mainly used to capture any details or information pertaining to the vendor or customer

are saved in the notes tab and after save can be attached to the vendor/customer master for future references.

Appts/Ins Tab: The details of timing for receiving material by the customer on specific days is updated ,

the details to be printed in the BOL for the carrier , warehouse instructions specific to the customer are entered.

Credit info Tab: The credit information of the customer and default configuration of few fields are maintained to enhance

process/functionality on creation of sales order or invoice.

The highlighted fields are subject to change, if the customer defaults in payments or exceeding the credit limit defined.

Credit references / approval & bank references are enabled in check box to ensure the credibility of the customer.

On click of  , the system will process all the prepaid/unpaid/partly paid invoices, Credit threshold limit and

pending sales order. 

Credit Approved and Not Approved of Customers with reasons are listed below.

On click of , details of calls made customers to make payment for invoices are listed and

corrective action taken are detailed.

Maintain Vendor/Customer Info

The option to upload multiple Customers or Vendors in excel format for any of the option Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with low confidence either. 

Full, Address only or Bill To, Ship to or Remit To, after download of the template.

The data can be updated as per the template and pasted on the window.

Click on  to Add or to update the Vendor/Customer master the option to process. 

Maintain Part Numbers

Part Numbers Content

Maintain Sales Tax Rates

In the browse window the list of tax code created against the customer and vendor is listed, 

Click on ADD to create tax code for New Customer or Vendor based on the tax rates defined in the master,

Tax will be charged at the time of creating a sales order or on invoicing.

Maintain Rebate Programs

The company may offer rebates during off season or if the customer has procured material over a prescribed limit (volumes) 

or in terms of amount for a period (Yearly, Monthly Quarterly or Half Yearly) which qualifies for a rebate.

The rebate % or amount are defined in the master which is populated at the time of raising a Sales order or Invoice.

There might instances when a vendor offers a rebate if the volume or Amount of purchase made is in

excess of the range which the vendor offers for period Monthly,  Quarterly, Annually or Semi Annual)

is updated in the module, the rebate will be calculated when a PO is raised on the Vendor.

Default Pricing

Pricing is maintained across customers, any specific pricing for a customer will be maintained in the Vendor/Customer Pricing.

The basic price for storage for Master, Pup coil & Skid coil and Misc. pricing are maintained in the main window.

The Process of defining price matrix is like the Specific pricing maintained for the customer.

Vendor/Customer Pricing 

Browse Ship To

The browse window list all the Ship to information which are in active state, the records are populated from the individual. 

Vendor /Customer master. The ship to information displayed can be modified or New Ship to can be added,

if a Vendor or Customer Name is already available. Otherwise any new ship to information has to be created in Vendor/Customer Master.

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Browse Bill To

The browse window list all the Bill to information which are in active state, the records are populated from the individual. 

Vendor /Customer master. The Bill to information displayed can be modified or New Bill to can be added,

if a Vendor or Customer Name is already available. Otherwise any new Bill to information has to be created in Vendor /Customer Master.

Graphical user interface, textDescription automatically generated

Browse Remit To

The browse window list all the Remit to information which are in active state, the records are populated from the individual. 

Vendor /Customer master. The Remit to information displayed can be modified or New Remit to can be added,

if a Vendor or Customer Name is already available. Otherwise any new Remit to information must be created in Vendor /Customer Master.

Graphical user interface, textDescription automatically generated

Change Vendor/Customer No

The Vendor /Customer code can be changed with due caution,

since the change must updated for all created records both active and closed.

Once the change has been updated the same cannot be reverted.

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Change Vendor Name

The Vendor /Customer code can be changed with due caution,

since the change must updated for all created records both active and closed.

Once the change has been updated the same cannot be reverted.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text messageDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Merge Vendor

In case of merger or takeover of one entity by another entity,

the Merged Company is keen to have one single entity instead of two, then the same can be processed. 

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, websiteDescription automatically generated

Convert Prospect to Customer

The prospect customer or vendor from whom quote received or quote sent can.

be converted to either vendor or customer.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

TableDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

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