

Vendors/Customers Menu 

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Print Vendors

 Click on   the report is generated with vendor No and Name,

Vendor Type, Contact person, Phone & Fax no 

TableDescription automatically generated

Print Customers

Click on  , the report is generated with Customer No and Name, contact person,

Phone No and Fax No.

TableDescription automatically generated

Print Part Numbers

Click on , the report is generated with customer no, Part Number and Description, Price.

TimelineDescription automatically generated

Print Part Number for a Customer

Click on , the below window for selection of the customer is displayed.

TableDescription automatically generated with low confidence

TimelineDescription automatically generated with low confidence

By Vendor Type

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

Print Customer Price List

On Click of , the report is generated with the customer’s name and number,

with part description, effective date and expiry date and price.

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Print How Customer's Receive Bid List

The report is generated on click of  the report details customer no,

customer name, phone no & fax no and mode of information sent to the customer.

TableDescription automatically generated

Print Mailing Label

The report parameter for generating the Mailing label of customers.

chose the option to print only active customer or inactive customer or all the customer,

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

 based on the selection chosen from the above dialog box,

the window will pop up for action either to print customers or vendors or ALL

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

The report will list the address of the customer or vendors as per the option chosen. 

in the format already chosen.

TableDescription automatically generated

Print Customer Forecast

On click of  the report is generated with customer name, product, 

6 months forecast and 1 year Forecast

A picture containing timelineDescription automatically generated

Print ALL Bill -  To's

On click of  .the report is generated with vendor name, address city, state, Zip code, Phone no and Fax no.

TableDescription automatically generated

Print ALL Ship - To's

On click of  the report is generated with vendor name, address city, state, Zip code, Phone no and Fax no. 

TableDescription automatically generated

Print ALL Remit - To's

On click of  the report is generated with vendor name, address city, state, Zip code, Phone no and Fax no. 

TableDescription automatically generated

Print who receives a 1099

On click of  the report is generated with vendor name, 1099 type (Listed Below for reference)

address city, state, Zip code. Phone no and Fax no. 

Text, tableDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Supply 1099

TextDescription automatically generated

Send Pricing Sheet

The Price sheet report to be generated and the same is attached in the mail.

to the Customer to check and refer for future reference.

 Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated 

 Good Virtues Price Sheet.PDF

Customers By Sales Person 

On Click of  the report is generated with customer No, customer name,

Phone No and Fax no attached against each salesperson of the company.

TableDescription automatically generated

Customers on Credit Hold

On click of  the report is generated with list of customers put on credit hold.

This may be due to default in payment of invoice within the due date or exceeding credit limit or if identified as a bad risk.

TimelineDescription automatically generated

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