Shop Maintenance

Shop Maintenance

Module Defaults

The window is for configuring the default settings of shop floor module,

the fields available are enabled by choosing option from list of values or by enabling the check box against 

the process or functions, based on the configuration the screen display,

report generation and other functionalities are triggered.

Screen Types

These shouldn't be changed without PS Data Assistance

Scheduling Screen Default

Select a Work Order Style


Build Cut Info for Slitter

Build Lift Tag Screen Default


Create Bundle Default


Packaging Screen Default

Configurable Settings


Create Gummy Tag for Restock:

is used when a tag is being restocked/returned from the processing line and is accounted into inventory.

Disable Cut Level Tag Type

checking removes the ability of operator to set the cut as: Drop, Scrap FG's,

Update FG with Head Tail Gage Checks

Replace the gages from master with operator checks.

Show Inches of Meat, Linear footage, Rockwell, Oil/Dry Flag of each Run:

Popup after slitting with info.

Show Oil/Dry Flag for each Tag:

Popup after slitting for each tag.

Show Perform Gage Check on Each Break

This will just give a popup instructing operator to do check.

Perform Gage check on Each break.

Will have operator enter the checks.

How to Create Cuts

will define how the cuts will be run through the machine at the time of processing.


Allowable Weight Difference

Allowed difference between Scale and Theo weight of a FG.

Disable inline Scale Options

If you’re not weighing steel as it goes out the door.

Machine ID




Maintenance Ticket

The browse window lists the tickets of machine id of maintenance generated against each location based on the status of ticket,

with machine id, machine description, date on which the ticket raised, ticket priority, request and status.

Maintenance Calendar

The browse window lists the planned maintenance calendar schedule with current date, start time and end time.

Tool Calibration

The browse window lists the tool calibration for each of the machine’s id, since the tool are subject to wear and tear, 

the tools should be maintained periodically to ensure that the processing is not hindered due to breakdown of tools. 

The window is for maintaining the schedule of checking the calibration of tools used in each machine id,

the tools can be in anyone of the status (Active, In-Active- Out for service, In-Active -Retired, In-Active-Lost)

with details of calibration history, put in use, certification of the tool etc., 



Run Job QC Audits

The browse window lists the Audit schedule based on the following status (TODOFAIL, PASS AND ALL)

The default status is TODO, since inspection has to be conducted on the Job scheduled, the inspecting officer will check the tag. 

and the job, if necessary will take a sample and will either clear the job or fail it, by providing notes and will authenticate with 

password for future reference.

Lift Tag Re Cost Numbers

Machine Rolling Schedule


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