Shop Floor

Shop Floor

  Shop Floor 

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Active Shop Floor/Schedule

The browse window lists the workorders created against the machine number based on the status of the workorder,

the records are highlighted with colour as per the legend of the colour status with processing status of individual work order. 

The work order priority can be changed as per the schedule of the machine timing to accommodate work order,

the processing of the work worder is started off by selecting the appropriate shift timing. 

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Click on the Select button to open the below window to configure shift date and machine start and end time,

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The timing will be listed in work log against the work order number selected in the schedule tab,

click on sign in to open the work order,

Run a Job (Slit)

The run a job window will open based on the machine id and process code, to select the machine operator,

relevant fields detail to be entered for future references of the production,

once the required fields are entered, click on run job to start the production process,

the details of the tag assigned to the work order is listed,

once the production process is completed.

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Click on the show FG tags to view the tags generated. 

after receiving the material in work order which can be partial or full.

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If the material is received partially or if balance has to be restocked, the same can be viewed in restocks tab

or in case of break down the complete material may be returned to the storage bay as raw material.

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The production report can be generated to view the complete details of the tags number, gage, width, length, product,

no of pcs, storage tag, customer, if reserved, sales order, original cost and processing cost.

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The work log window displays the start time and end time and the stop period with comments on the break period.

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The below details on the tags, stopped for any maintenance or break down, to reactivate the production process,

click on .

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Run a Job (Tube)

The work order for a tube processing is created with order type TUBE and the process to be selected from the list of values.

The pick list report is generated to after assigning the tags to the tube processing work order,

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The below pops up on click on of change button in machine schedule window, to select the operator from the list of values, 

the production details like job start time, end time and other required fields are to be entered or

to be selected from the values listed, once all the required details are completed in the header.

Click on prepare jobs to enter the tag to be processed for tube processing,

window exclusive for tube processing will pop up, to add inventory tags,

click on ADD TAG in the first-place holder, then select tags to be staged by

clicking on the buttons to either add tags or to remove from the place holders of each stage of processing.

once the Job is completed.

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The below window details on the machine task list of time wasted in preliminary process,

break downs, maintenance and other related activities for better productivity of the machine

and to avoid unnecessary expenses or cost to both customer and owner.

The below report is generated to maintain track of the inventory tags used against a work order,

process instructions of the customer to be followed for processing the inventory and packaging of the finished goods.

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The reports is generated to calculate the processing cost, scrap cost, scrap percentage against the inventory cost

and revised cost of inventory.

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The below window is part of the work order process with details of inventory weight, length, scale weight, production cost, 

scrap cost included in the production cost as overheads of finished goods and non-finished goods or balance

restock of raw materials from the master tag.

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The work order is finalised after checking all the cost in production summary and the processing cost of machine hours, 

labour cost and other incidental cost like consumables in the process.

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The FG tab is work order display the final finished goods produced from the master tag with details of FG produced.

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Run A Job ( Shearing/Level)

Shearing, also known as die cutting, is a process that cuts stock without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. 

When the cutting blades are straight the process is called shearing.

The master tag for processing is assigned in the work order, in the machine schedule select the shearing machine id, 

the work orders will be listed as per the scheduled date and due date, if any work order is to be processed with priority, 

the priority can be reset by clicking on , after setting the priority, the work order can be executed by 

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selecting sign into the shift defined, the below window run a job will open to select the fields and update time for future 

reference on the productivity of the machine. Click on Run Job.

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In the below window gage checks, width checks and length checks are updated by the operator

to keep track of the attributes entered in the system are same as the attributes maintained in the machine process,

to give a exact replica of the output from the process and system.

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Run a Job( Cut to Length)

Select the machine number(Cut to Length), choose the work order to be processed and click on change 

the window below will pop up, select the machine operator, and click on "Run Job",

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The window below will open, enter the Master tag number in the field and click on "Next",

enter the details in required fields, Product Class, gage check etc., to navigate to the next screen,

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Click on Change to update the width and length check in the pop up window ( Screen for reference) and save the details.

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Click on "Next" and enter the details in the gage check and print tag screen, 

Click on " OK, Print Now" to create the no of tags as entered in the work order and the child tags generated.

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The below window displays the work logs of the machine schedule with start time and end time,

stoppages if any due to maintenance, break down etc.,

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Inspection of the process can be done and the same  need to be updated in the below

window for gage, width and length as per the work order

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Run a Job(Laser)

The work order is a slit order , instead of knives being used for process of slitting, laser is used to cut.

The process is similar to the slitting of master coil or cut to length.

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Close Shop Orders

The browse window lists all closed work orders against each machine id.

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All Shop Orders

The browse window lists all work orders active and closed irrespective of the machine id against which

the work orders are created with status of the machine schedule status both owner and customer workorders.

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Gummy Maintenance

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Clear Stations

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Packaging Line-1

The browse window lists all the master tags processed and child slit tags received in production against the default location and 

selected packaging line to be packed and despatched or to be packed and stored in the storage location.

To create the lift tag for the processed tags, the slit tags number and weight are entered in the fields and the station number to which the 

skit tags is assigned based on the packaging instructions. Click on save weight,

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The window below pops up with details of total weight, no of pieces and the lift weight capacity.  

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Click on create lift tag, the window below opens with details entered in the work order is displayed, if any change in field can be modified and print of tag.

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Weigh Station

The browse window lists the tags received from production after the master tag is slit, as child slit tags for weighing and packaging.

The tag number is entered in the field and scale weight is entered in the system to correlate with the actual weight of the inventory in the weight station.

Option to change the type of tag from raw material to FG or work in process or to put on hold.

The tags after scanning will be removed from the weight station list.

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The tab production details on the work order number with master tag, provides details of all child tags created with weight and no of tags,

lift tags summary and scrap weight etc., 

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Arbor Set Up

Arbor is a precise machining tool. It bears the important responsibility of transmitting the rotary motion and torque of the spindle to the cutting tool during the cutting process.

Its quality requirements are extremely strict.

For each process the rotary cutting knives are setup against the spacers and bushing bearing. 

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Look Up Machine Diagrams

The browse window lists the machine diagram, the machine diagrams of each can be maintained for reference during the maintenance or to refer. 

when the machine breaks down to identify the cause and for easy rectification.

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