Sales Report

Sales Report

Active Sales Order Report

The report parameters are to be selected for any specific customer in the fields as required 

for any specific parameter or can be left blank to generate report for all the customers.

Check box can be enabled to print the details in the report, the highlighted text is based on the check box enabled.

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SO's Entered for a Date Range (1)

The report parameter is date range (start date - End Date) as shown below, by default - system date,

the dates can be changed to generate the report.

The report details SO number, customer number, material ordered, sales rep due date and open weight.

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SO's Entered for a Date Range (2)

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The report parameter is date range (start date - End Date) as shown above, by default - system date,

the dates can be changed to generate the report.

The report details date of SO, SO number, customer number, ordered weight, applied weight, amount, ship to ,

original due date, current due date and sales description.

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SO 's Due by Customer

The report is generated on click , the report details as on date,

SO number, customer number, Ordered date, ordered weight, FG weight, shipped weight, Balance due, extended value,

due date and days until due date.

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Daily Business Status by Product

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The report can be generated with the date parameter by default system date, as required can be changed, 

the report details based on the products in tons against each customer with previous month,

months forecast, 1 month projected, Product shipped on the date, Current month shipped.

till date of report generation, tons to be supplied for the customer and balance. 

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Shop Production

> View Production By Work Order

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The report parameters are start date and end date, Machine Id, based on the parameter,

the details are displayed in the screen with the following columns.

the processed material for the given date against each work order , both owner material and toll work order.

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>View Production By Master Number 

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The report parameters are start date and end date, Machine Id, based on the parameter,

the details are displayed in the screen with the following columns.

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the processed material for the given date against each work order ,

both owner material and toll work order.

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Order Status

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The report parameters By Division, Customer, Sales Order Number based on the parameter,

the report details customer name, customer PO, Ship to, SO number Tag as /Order Description and date, Ordered weight,

Shipped weight, WIP, FG, Open weight, and price.

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The report parameters By Division, Min Gage, width based on the parameter,

the report details customer name , customer PO, Ship to, SO number and date , Tag as /Order Description, Ordered weight ,

Shipped weight, WIP , FG, Open weight and price.

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The report parameters By Salesperson, Customer, sales order Number based on the parameter,

the report details customer name, customer PO, Ship to, SO number and date, Tag as /Order Description, Ordered weight,

Shipped weight, WIP, FG, Open weight, and price.

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Sales Order Not Sourced

The report is generated on click of , the report details as on date, 

SO number, grade, gauge width, quantity, due date, sales rep and sale amount.

SO Line Items

The report is generated on click of 

the report details as on date, with the customer name, columns as shown below.

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Sales Tag Reports

> Tags Reserved Not  on SO

The report is generated on click of  , the report details as on date, 

With Tag, customer number, weight, product, min gauge, original price and sale price.

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> Reserved Tag on an Active SO 

The report is generated on click of , the report details as on date, 

with customer name and SO number, Tag number, weight, due date and sales amount.

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>Tags on Active Sales Order 

The report is generated on click of , the report details as on date, 

with customer name and SO number, Tag number, weight, due date, sales amount, and extended price.

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> Tags on Active Sales Order Not Invoiced

The report is generated on click of  , the report details as on date, 

with customer name and SO number, Tag number, weight, due date, and sales amount.

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>Released Tags on SO 

The report is generated on click of , the report details as on date, 

with customer name and SO number, Tag number, weight, due date, and sales amount.

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>Released Tags on SO but Not Invoiced

The report is generated on click of  , the report details as on date, 

With customer name and SO number, Tag number, weight, due date, and sales amount.

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Batch Toll Report


The report parameter for processing of Toll Orders is to update the tag in the Add Tags. 

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after update, the fields are to be selected to generate the report, after selections to click Print Batch Now.

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Daily Status Report

>TOLL Production and Shipment

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The report is generated with the date parameter by default system date,

can be changed as required to generate the report as on a particular date.

The report details on the Toll inventory processed against each customer, raw material available,

fresh inventory received till date and the day before the System date, with details of the machine working.

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> Own Production and Shipment

The report is generated with the date parameter by default system date,

can be changed as required to generate the report as on a particular date.

The report details on the owner inventory processed against each customer, raw material available,

fresh inventory received till date and the day before the System date, with details of the machine working.

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