Sales Other-Topics

Sales Other-Topics

Work Orders

The work order is created for internal (owner) material processing, there are different types of work order, 

the Work order defaults is configured in the work order tab of the sales order module defaults.

The browse window displays all work orders active closed, finalized and hold based on the status as shown below.

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The default work order type will be populated,  update other fields in work order header,

select the work order type, due date, Machine id, schedule date etc.,

click on Add in the Tag to be processed window of the work order for selecting the master tag. 

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Work order type is slit, on the right-hand side of the window update the no of cuts, by click on add,

ensure the price of processing is populated, if not click on  the below screen will be populated for

update of rate or to select from the values in the search, at the bottom click on Matrix to accept the rate from the master.

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material received from processing are to account to inventory by click on receive.

The details of material received as FG is auto populate in the FG tags as shown below.

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to finalize the work orderclick on the tab - Finalize and ensure the details of processing are correctly populated or

else click on  to reapply the correct pricing rate.

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if there is any change in the processing, click  to re-run the process,

to update the changes made. 

The below window is for view of the work order and no changes can be made in the work order.

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The below windows provide option to update in the fields for change process Runs(s)to make.

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Any change in the processing can be done in the below window, across each line item in the Cut(s) to Take.

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Toll Orders

The browse windows list all the Toll orders created for material received from customer with status as shown below,


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Update the fields in the work order header  -  select /choose work order type, machine Id,

choose  is important field for raising invoice, schedule date, due date, pricing options, etc., 

click on add to select Master tag for processing of customer material,  

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choose the Mater tag to update the splits as requested by

the customer in the PO by clicking on the Add in the No of Splits window.

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update price for default pricing if not click on  the below screen will be populated for

update of rate or to select from the values in the search, at the bottom click on Matrix to accept the rate from the master.

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The shipping info tab has to updated with details for shipping the processed material.

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