

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated


Sales order is a document generated by the seller specifying the details about the product or services ordered by the customer.

with details of the product and service, sales order consists of price, quantity, terms, and conditions etc.


On receipt of a PO from a customer for specific product, the company confirms to the customer,

material available for supply or to be procured/processed with a Sales Order.


In the SO Header tab, the following fields are to be sold to name, ship to name and

bill to name is to be selected from the list of customers, customer PO,

the order type, freight type, use carrier to be selected,  if the customer PO mentions enable check field  .

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Click on Add to select the item/s as requested by the customer or change to modify any existing items 

TimelineDescription automatically generated

In the order info tab sales price has to be updated and the order quantity in the, choose the ordered by weight, Pieces ,

length or area, surcharge if any to be update, Type of item and material type , choose the part number existing from the list,

by customer part number or default company part number.

On choosing the part number the details from the part number master will be update in the fields.

if any, additional charges to be charged, click on , the charges can be Company rates or any specific rate for the customer.

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If the material is available, tag can be applied to the line item as shown below.

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In FG Tab , Release can be made or Bill of lading can be prepared, refer to the colour legends for the status of the tag.


The browse window displays all the sales orders for which invoice has been raised.

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The browse window displays all sales order in active and closed status.

Graphical user interface, application, tableDescription automatically generated

ALL Line Items

The browse window lists all line items of the sales order created, the line items can be filtered by choosing the status 

Active, Closed & ALL.

Any change to a Sales order can be done by click on change SO  

or change in any line item by click on  .

The details of the selected line item is displayed on right hand side of the browse window for easy reference.

A picture containing timelineDescription automatically generated

Get a Customer PO

The window will display the list of products ordered by a customer based on the PO of the customer of

Open weight, material invoiced, material under processing and available product in inventory.

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Get the Customer Name

The window will display the list of products ordered by a customer based on the customer code of the customer of

Open weight, material invoiced, material under processing and available product in inventory.

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Get a Material PO

The window will display the list of products/material available against PO of the vendor  of

Material not sold, material invoiced, material under processing and available product in inventory.

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Sales Order Timing

The report is generated with the parameter start date and end date to check on the

execution of the sales order from the receipt of the customer PO.

The report details based on the SO raised with So number, customer code and name, sales person,

order type, status of the Order and tag, input date, original date, close date, current due date,

scale weight, pieces, invoice number and date, etc.,

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On Time/Late

The browse window will display the list of release order based on the parameter "ON TIME" or “ LATE" with start date and end date.

The columns are as below, summary at the end of window is displayed with no of release order and percentage.

TableDescription automatically generated

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