Releases Active Closed ALL

Releases Active Closed ALL

Releases Active Closed ALL

The New Release can be created in Active Releases/list of active releases yet to be invoiced are listed in Active,

Releases which had reached the destination are acknowledgement received /invoiced are listed in closed releases

& ALL releases will list all records both active & closed.

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Click on Add to create a new release of material, click on Change to modify

an existing release by locating by using one of the field attributes.

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1) The Release number is auto generated by the system and the carrier name, email ,contact etc., to be updated,

Carrier Updates   is done to make it more informative to with data given

by the carrier on the type of carrier, estimated time & other information which can be used for future reference.

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2) Enter release to company & details of material location to be entered.

3) Ship to be entered in case if the material is routed through or is defaulted,

if the same is entered in sales order or in Vendor/Customer Master.

4) Enter freight rates or Flat Rates which is based on Actual Weight or Miles or Minimum,

choose the type of release as shown below.

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Click on Release Items Tab to choose the Tags to be released.

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Closed Releases

Releases which have reached the destination or acknowledgement received &

releases invoiced are updated with status as closed to get listed in the Closed Releases.

In the tab Releases header, the status closed.

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ALL Releases

Active Releases, Closed Releases will be listed in the Browse list of ALL Releases.

it's easier to identify in all release whatever may be the status of the release,

the Freight payable screen has a provision to attach the release no for the freight incurred charges. 

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