Purchase Order

Purchase Order

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated


Browse List of all Open PO"S, New PO' s can be created by Click on ADD Button.

Material received Partially against PO' s will be listed .

The Open  PO' s can be located by any one of the attributes  PO Types( MAT,PRC,LVL etc.,) Vendor NO, PO Number or by Date on which the PO's created.

Any Update/Change in existing PO' s can be done by click on change button. 

Graphical user interface, tableDescription automatically generated

Closed PO

Browse List of all  Closed PO'S, New PO 's can be created by Click on ADD Button, if any PO has been closed inadvertently.

Any update /change in a Closed PO, if the Status is changed from "C" to "A"  will prompt for suitable select option as below for the user to update.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated  


Browse List of all   Open &Closed PO'S listed, New PO 's can be created by Click on ADD Button, if any PO has been closed inadvertently.

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Any update /change in a Closed PO, if the Status is changed from "C" to "A” will prompt for suitable Select option as below for the user to update.

Material received Partially against PO' s will be listed.

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