


PO Type -PRC is selected to keep track of slitting process of the master coil tag of larger width into smaller width coils.

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The tab PROCESS TAGS in the Purchase Order captures the relevant slit width of the Master Coil into Smaller Coils.

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The appropriate Master tag to be selected from the inventory available for slit processing, on selecting the master tag 

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Click on the "ADD" in the Window (Cuts to Take) to enter the details of No of Cuts and Width of cuts, if it's a "DROP CUT" or "SIDE CUT",

Enable the check box, if it's a side cut the system will prompt for Reserve Customer to be tagged.

Drop Cut is checked to include the cost as Mark Down to the Finished Goods tag of the Master tag used for processing,

the drop cut can also be taken as RE-STOCK to the inventory for future processing or for sale.

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Any Instructions defined against the Part number will auto populate.

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PO Type LVL is selected to process the split of Master tag material lengthwise(from a larger length to shorter length as required).

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PO Type SAM is selected to process multiple master tag of same cuts size at same price.

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The Cut details are entered as shown below;

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PO Type PKL is selected to process/remove rust, impurities, and other chemical treatment for surface treatment.

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PO Type TUB is selected for Tube Products of different shapes(Round, Square, Oval and Rectangle).

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PO Type TBP is selected for Tube processing of tubes are cut into different length.

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PO Type PAI is selected for painting to be coated on the products as per the specification.

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Paint& Slit-(PAS)

PO Type PAS is selected for slitting the coil and painting to be coated on the products after slit process.

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PO Type COA is selected for painting to be coated on the products, the process is similar to Pickle & Paint.

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PO Type CHA is selected for processing of coils into channels.

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PO Type STR is selected for processing of beams, flanges and angles etc.,

which constitute basic material in construction industry.

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PO Type ASM is selected for fusing of steel components into structural parts.


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