Purchase Materials -(MAT)

All Material Purchases Raw, Finished Goods are procured through the Purchase Order Type (MAT) to keep track of Steel Inventory,

Cost, Overheads other expenses incurred for the procurement etc., across modules.

The Category is maintained in PO Module under Maintenance based on the screen number defined against a category,

system will pop up the relevant screen to capture the attributes.

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As there exists variance in attributes of physical inventory the information captured.

in forms/screens (1- Primary/Extended) (2- Secondary/Short) etc., as shown below with a field category.

The screens are numbered 1 to 5 as listed below (Extended, Shortened, Less Extended, Customized & Item Number Specific.

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Material {MAT- Category -P) Long Form}

The Purchase Order number is System generated and few basic mandatory details are filled in Purchase Order tab

like Vendor No, Freight, on selecting the Vendor No the Confirm to is defaulted from the Vendor Master.

Freight type has to be selected from the (List of Values).

Category Type: The default category predefined in the Vendor master will auto populate.

Please choose the correct category type for correct screen/forms to displayed for entering data.

The Dates fields are defaulted to system dates which may be changed to check as per the due date or

confirmed date provided by the Vendor on receipt of our PO for supply of Materials /Services against the PO.

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The highlighted fields are to be filled for MAT (Category Type-P), only few fields are mandatory,

if the material is a part number, on selection of the same few attributes of the

Part Numbers are auto Populated from the Part Number Master.(Refer Part Numbers)

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Properties Tab - On updating the Heat Number field attributes 

of Chemistry predefined in the (HEAT NUMBER) master against the Vendor will be auto populated.

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The Tabs highlighted are based on the PO category selected  

Material {MAT- Category -S)Short Form}

In the Purchase order tab, the basic preliminary details are entered and

the Category type selected in the below listed screen shot is "S", the fields displayed in the LINE-ITEM tab has minimal information to be filled 

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In the line-item info tab few details are entered Gage, Price, Product & Width, also enable the Receive Tag as "RAW" or "Finished goods ".

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In the Page 2-tab update Date fields like Close date, Original due date confirmed date and

any other fields which might be of help to the Vendor to process the PO and to expedite the material receipt before the dates mentioned.

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on entering the Heat Number in the properties tab the predefined composition of the elements

maintained in the Heat Number Master against the Vendor or generic is populated.

Material {MAT- Category -E) Less Extended}

In the Purchase order tab, the basic preliminary details are entered & the Category type selected in the

below listed screen shot is "T", the fields displayed in the LINE-ITEM tab has minimal information to be filled 

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In the line-item tab on selecting the Part Number the attributes defined against the chosen Part Number is auto populated.

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Material {MAT- Category -X) Customized}

In the Purchase order tab, the basic preliminary details are entered & the Category type selected in the below listed screen shot is "X",

the fields displayed in the LINE-ITEM tab has minimal information to be filled.

In the line-item tab on selecting the Part Number the attributes defined against the chosen Part Number is auto populated.

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Material {MAT- Category -LM) Customized}

In the Purchase order tab, the basic preliminary details are entered & the Category type selected in the below listed screen shot is "LM”,

the fields displayed in the LINE-ITEM tab has minimal information to be filled.

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In the line-item tab on selecting the Part Number the attributes defined against the chosen Part Number is auto populated.

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Common Tabs

Chemistry details are entered in the properties tab for Materials which need to confirm chemistry specification as required & is not mandatory to be filled for all PO's.

Fields attributes in the properties tab maybe different for slight change in field placement as some chemistries are not part of the Material Specification.

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Material Receipt: On receipt of material, PO can be updated in the PO Module by clicking on the Change in Active or 

ALL PO's after locating PO against which the material has to be accounted in the line-item tab the button    .

Click on the receive material & enter details are required, Please note to select appropriate option to keep open, closed or partial based on the material received


Please select based on the materials received as per the Screen shot below.

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After update of the required field in the above screen, the inventory will POP up as shown below, 

after entering relevant details, the receivers will be updated with the Receiver No & Tag no

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Paint specification is updated in this tab for the Vendor to supply material with coat of paint. The same will be verified at the time of receipt  

Packaging: The instruction is made available to the Vendor to follow the packaging instructions when the material is supplied.

Price Breakout

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Weight Breakdown

if the vendor shares the details of Mill tags of the materials supplied against a PO in excel format the same can

be imported with Template as shown below & in case if material is not received against a mill tag number the same can be marked as pending, 

on Click of the "Receive" button to update inventory, active records will be considered for Material receipt.

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