Part Number

Part Number

Part Numbers

The browse windows list the part numbers active, by default the company part numbers are listed, if the check box

show all customers is enabled the part numbers customer specific will also be listed.

The attributes of the selected part will be displayed on right side of the browse window.

TextDescription automatically generated

The part numbers are maintained with all the attributes entered in the respective field.

The part numbers can be defined based on the material type like " Coil, Tube, Sheet, Roll Form etc.,)

the fields will be displayed for update based on the material type selected in the header. ( Refer below)

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated
The other tabs are updated as per the requirement of the part number or as required by the customer.

A picture containing timelineDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

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