Other Release Options

Other Release Options


There are times when the customer is in urgent need of material.

to ensure that the material is delivered promptly the HOT LOAD check box is enabled.

to have it printed in the Release for the carrier to

ensure the material is delivered to the customer within the stipulated time frame.

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Click on the HOT tool bar DiagramDescription automatically generated , window displays list of  releases enabled with 

for easier identification & if any corrective action to be taken for delivery of the material.

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Move Sheet

The material available in one location is moved to another location by the process of MOVE SHEET tool bar,

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the process can be initiated in the release module or in Inventory Module.

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1) Click on Add button to enter the details of each tag to be moved,

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2) Click on save.

3) Select the Tags to be moved, Click on Create Release Button

System will prompt with, message window to choose the option

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1)Release to customer: Normal release process flow is completed &

after save, the record is moved to the History of the browse window

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2) Transfer Location: the release type in the release module is defaulted to transfer location & the usual process of release holds.

3) ADD to existing release the tag which is to be moved will be combined

with the existing in the release number selected in the release items tab.

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Material delivery (logistics execution) is an important task to

ensure the right material are delivered within the committed date to the customer.

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The process is initiated to deliver the material as per PO of the customer with SO instructions, the  carrier with proper tonnage capacity has to be allocated to deliver.

on the right hand all the Active sales order whether it's material or Processing

or FG, WIP or Hold Materials will be listed in the browse window

1) first activity is to create the truck details in the screen as below in planned & in booked for rates

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once the truck details are created & saved,

the allocation of the Material Po will be displayed under Material PO Lines.

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Processing PO's /WO will be listed as shown in fig

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FG allocated truck will be listed as shown below
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Once the allocation is over, load tally report is generated to ensure the correctness of the  allocation.
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The shipping report will provide the list of material shipped for a given date range.

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enter the date range to generate the report
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