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Profit Changes by Transactions

The report is generated by click on  as on a particular date,

the report list all transactions, with transactions number,  account number, what type ( Asset or Liability , expenses or revenue,

cost of goods, etc., debit or credit, after each individual transaction the profit changes is printed at the bottom 

to know whether Profit earned or loss occurred. 

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Misc Recon Reports

Inventory Data Consistency

On click of  the system generates report based on the 

default system date, the report list 

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Inv Monthly Recon Summary

The report is of utmost importance to reconcile inventory on monthly basis to identify.

any pilferage or loss of value of material due to rust or oxidation etc., 

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The report is generated with parameter date range and  check box is enabled, report lists details of new material received

during the period with details of individual tags, PO number, vendor , scale weight , original price ,

customer name (if reserved) and value, summary will be printed at the end of New Inventory received.

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The report is generated with date range as parameter and    check box is enabled,

report details the tags numbers applied for processing weight,  PO number of material ,

price for processing vendor number and the child tags received after processing with weight,

Processing PO number, Invoice number etc.,

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The report is generated with date range as parameter and  check box enabled,

the report details grouping of invoices for the date range.

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The report is generated with date range as parameter and    check box is enabled,

report details of inventory opening balance with individual tags and pre tags (if any) scale weight, 

PO number of material, original price ,vendor number , inventory closing balance etc., 

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The report is generated with date range as parameter and    check box is enabled,

report details of Inventory opening, inventory received, inventory invoiced, inventory scrapped.

and closing inventory with individual tags and pre tags (if any) scale weight, PO number of material,

original price, vendor number etc., 

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The report with any one of the option Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated  check box and export to excel  enabled will generate the report in excel

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Special Reports

Margin By Currency

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The report is generated with date range as parameter to list details of invoices.

created with any other currency and profit earned against the invoice.

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Toll Value Inventory Asset Report

On click of  the system date defaulted to generate Inventory 

of customer received for processing.

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The report list the details of customer, received tag numbers with weight of material

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