Material Receipt

Material Receipt

Receive Material

The material receipt for different Purchase order types is enumerated as individual topics.

to account in inventory for further process of Release, Invoicing etc.,  on accounting of material in

inventory Tags are auto generated in sequence (System Generated Number) to keep track of the Materials in stock, sent for processing , Owner's material etc.,.

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Receiving Material for a MAT Purchase Order

The material received can be accounted into the inventory module by 3 ways {See Fig}

1) Click on the PO Line Item in the Purchase Module or

2) By Line Item -Material (Under Purchase order -Purchase Receipts)

3) By PO Number - Material (Under Purchase order -Purchase Receipts)

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The records in the browse window can be filtered, by using the Range window to use attributes for creating further filters when the list of open items are huge .

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Click on Change button to view the selected PO with details, at the bottom left Click on "Receive" button .

Against each line item how many different tags we are receiving? -Update the no of Tags

Leave Item Status

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Open - Keeps  open the item irrespective of the material Weight Received

Close - Closes the item completely

Partial - Keeps item open with  weight open for further receipt.

Print Receiver Report - On save / completion of the receipt of material will print a report of tags received.

Email Buyer - if the PO has a buyer associated to it, it will email buyer the receipt of Material.

Weights -Ensure the Weights received are correct.

Status - Ensure the status of the line item its 'A' for active System defaulted (Non-editable)

Tag Type - Ensure its either 'R'(raw) or 'F'(finished).       See :Tag Types

Audit Flag - Ensure it 'A' for audited System defaulted ( Non-editable)

Original Cost - The data is auto populated from PO, ensure the correctness with the Invoice received from Vendor or BOL

Receiving Material for a PRC, LVL ,SAM ,PAI ,TUB ,TBP , PAS , STR ,ASM ,CHA & OTH  Purchase Order

Materials will be accounted in inventory
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Material received against Processing PO types will be accounted to inventory through tool bars as shown in Fig.

Since the attributes of the Processing PO types differ it's mandatory to capture the information correctly for further processing / Invoicing etc.,.

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Browse windows list open/partial PO line items of the Materials to be received from processing PO,

Select the appropriate PO &

Click on "Receive" button at the bottom left marked with  Image result for emoji green tick Green Tick.

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An inventory screen will open to enter the details of Material Received against the Weight sent for processing.

Actual received, scrap cost will be calculated only if the Line item status is chosen as Close, in other instance only when the balance material due is received

or if accounting entries has to be passed for the Master Tag closure applying the Status as "Close". Scrap loss will be calculated. 

the subsequent process details are clearly explained in the individual topics of processing.

Unprocess a Coil

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The process is listed under maintenance of Purchase Order module. If at the time of Material Receipt any wrong data has been entered in the inventory screen,

the same can be reversed only if the Following process has not been initiated

Put on Release

Invoice Raised against the Tag

Sales Order has been assigned.

Tag assigned to an outside processing PO


Please do not use this process, if any of the following process has been initiated with the Tag

  1. Put on Release
  2. Invoice Raised against the Tag
  3. Sales Order has been assigned.
  4. Tag assigned to an outside processing PO

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