Manage Collections

Manage Collections

The follow up activity by the salesperson is recorded for future & corrective action,

the customer might raise queries on the invoice raised or dispute in condition of material at the time  

of receipt of material or material weight etc.,

Click on create to do list. 

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated 

A browse window pops (as below) with accounts receivables summary of all customers with current overdue and

range (15,45,60 &90 days) of overdue! 

The window below populates details of invoices, invoice date, due date  net amount, amount due.

The right window list calls or follow up action taken against each customer.

TableDescription automatically generated

Make Calls

The browse window list of customers assigned to salesperson for follow up of account receivable of TO DO list.

& Calls made during the day against each call the salesperson has to provide the feedback and in case of future follow up date.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated 

View Collection Call History

The browse window lists all action items/calls made by the sales person for follow up of account receivables. 


TextDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

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