Main Menu

Main Menu

Each button on the main menu opens a "module".
Throughout the Help documents (or calling for help), we will refer to module(s).

***NOTE: Appointments and Shop Floor are exclusive components of SSCS only.


Purchase Orders - Purchase order module has the features to manage material POs, outside processing POs, receive material from a PO and view reports relating to current and past PO's.

Vendors/Customers - The vendor/customer module allows for maintenance of both vendors and customers 'since most of them fulfil both criteria.

Freight Rates - When material is shipped from one location to another, the shipping rates are stored in the freight rate history file. The Freight Rates module allows you to view the history file so you can see what was paid in the past to move material from one location to another.

Receivables – The receivables module allows you to create deposits when a customer makes a payment on an invoice.

Shop Floor (SSCS ONLY) – The shop floor module is where processes dealing with the slitting and packaging of material within an in-house processing facility as well as customer inventory management are located.

History - History allows you to view previous purchased inventory as well as view graphs about sales history.

Dispatch/Release – The module captures information on the movement of materials, manage your releases, tracking material to be moved from one location to another.

Appointments (SSCS ONLY) – The appointments module allows you to schedule inbound and outbound appointments for trucks picking up and dropping off material, many more other features like Lab Test, Inspection, Permits Reports & Dispatch.

Rolodex (SDS ONLY) – Shows a listing of all your vendor/customer contacts.

General Ledger – The GL module contains the  all the reports and management screens relating to the GL. Chart of accounts, check book register, contras and accruals.

Steel Inquiry – This module allows you to track and manage your history of calls about possible sales.

Financial Tools – Financial tools contains a few tools used for calculating loan amortization, etc..

Invoice – The module is used to manage invoices and credits to customers.

Family Tree – A complete history of the Material of a tag is available through any processing, shipping etc..

Sales Order – The conversion of an enquiry into sales, maintenance of your sales orders for customers, as well as customer specific part numbers.

Payables – The payables module is where you can manage your payables (invoices from vendors) and debits (credits from vendors) as well to write checks to pay for those invoices.

Inventory – This is the main inventory module, allowing you to view your current (active) inventory as well as old (closed) inventory.

Admin – The admin module is where you can manage system wide settings such as users, as well as many of the custom lookup tables, coating codes, defect codes, etc..

Hot Keys

SDS/SSCS provides hot keys that are available any where through out the entire system. Please find below list of hot keys more often used.

F4 - Will display Rockwell conversion values for each scale.

F7 - Will provide a list of coding weight values.

F8 - Will provide a list of inventory grades.

F9 - Will provide a lookup chart for coil splits.

F11 - Will provide an electronic wheel for conversions such as, ID, OD, PIW, IOM, Theo weights, linear footage, and much more.

File Menu

Register Product - (Unused, will be depreciated eventually)

Change Password - Allows a user to change their SDS/SSCS password. See changing your password .

Change User - (Unused, will be depreciated eventually)

Remote Assistance - Connects your computer to P.S. Data's remote assistance service. Contact via email or phone to get a session ID number.

User Reminders - (Unused, will be depreciated eventually)

Print Setup - Allows you to select printers configured to print certain documents(like Invoice, PO's, Transaction report etc.,)

Custom Reports - Provides access to the old Clarion Report Writer. Users use the SQL Reporting Services for generating reports as per the need)

System Info - Displays many internal settings to SDS/SSCS. Nothing can be changed here, it's for informational use only.

Factory Defaults - This contains several options to help with troubleshooting problems.

User Settings - This is to view/set/clear things specific to the user/machine.

Other Menu

Steel CRM On Click of Steel CRM a CRM intro Dashboard window & Steel CRM module pops up.

Dashboard gives an overall picture of the Business done with customers on various parameters for useful decision making of the user (Sales Person Dashboard)

on closing the Report Dashboard, will  populate the CRM module with major features /daily activities of a Sales Person.

Call: The Screen is used to capture the details of both inbound & outbound calls ,

In Person meeting or enquiries through mail.

The information entered is mainly to fulfil the needs of the customer whether it's an Inquiry or Sale or after Sale Support or Service .

The timely resolution is of utmost importance to ensure the customer is satisfied.

Note: The data can be used for analysis for the Company on the service rendered.

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Manage Account

The data entered in the manage account provides an overall picture of the activities the customer has associated with the company.

Salesperson can use this data for corrective measures and also in making right decision.  

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated


The Sales person associated with the customer can independently has access to all information of the Customer like invoices, sales info  , Amount Received etc.


The interest shown by a company or an individual in the products is the starting point for a Sale.


Graphs - The graphs module projects many of the existing reports in a Graphical format.

EDI - This module contains settings related to EDI with vendors and customers.

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