GL Reconcile Details

GL Reconcile Details

Detail Reports

Monthly Detailed Reports

Receivables Summary Report 

An accounts receivable aging report refers to a summary of all receivables.

due from customers at any given point in time.

The report breaks down receivables due from

all customers into different aging categories based on the number of days irrespective of when the invoices were raised.

Receivables Details Report 

The report breaks down receivables due from

all customers into different aging categories based on the invoice date & aging 

number of days.

Payable Summary Report

Accounts payable reporting is the ongoing process of tracking and

recording all business expenditures by a company, big or small, to ensure accurate financial data.

Accounts payable reports cover cash expenses, mortgage or rent, utility payments and the overall cost of doing business.

The report   on click is generated as on the given date with aging days.

Payable Details Report

The report   on click is generated with details of vendor invoices. 

Actual amount due, Due date , invoice date etc., as on the given date with aging days.


Open Prepayments

Prepayments are amounts paid for by a business in advance of the goods or services being received later.

Any payment made in advance can be considered a prepayment.

The report is generated as on date by click on  ,

the report details open items for which goods are services are yet to be received.

Open Accruals

Open accruals are goods or services that an organization has received (and any items returned)

but where the supplier/services rendered has not yet sent an invoice (or credit note).

The report lists all types of accruals as on a given date.

Inventory Cost Details

The report can be generated for all location or exclusively for a location or group of locations,

 parameters are filled as per the requirement to view the cost of inventory, tag wise with all details.

COGS-Detail Report

Cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total amount spent to manufacture a product which can be sold.

COGS includes only direct costs like labour and raw-material and  does not include indirect costs like sales, marketing or distribution.


The report provided the details of Cost of Goods sold against the invoice raised. 


COGS-FRT-Out Details Report

The report details for a range of dates only on FRT-out Cost against Releases made ,

in case of FRT-Out accrual is done only at the time of Release.

Open FRT-Out Release Report

The report is generated on Click of  as on a given date,

The report list he details of all active Release made & pending invoice generation for the release made.

Invoice Margin Summary by Customer

The report is a summary of the invoices raised for a particular date range on a customer,

the overall weight, Steel Cost, Freight-in , Freight-out, Processing, Scrap & other cost are  included to 

arrive on the net profit & profit %age.

Invoice Margin by Invoice

The report list details of the individual invoices of each customer with details of cost on each invoice,

This will give an overall picture of the sales done, invoices raised, COGS , Net Profit & Profit Margin %.


Invoice Margin by Salesperson

The report is to list the sales done by a particular salesperson for a date range,

the report list on individual invoices raised against each customer with details of steel cost,

freight -in, freight-out, adjustments & scrap costs.

Invoice margin by Paid Date

The report lists the invoices for which amount has been received based on the postdate range specified, with 

all the details of cost.

Invoice Margin By Vendor

The report list the details of cost of material procured from the Vendor for a given range of date.


 Inventory Value by Prod Category

Click on   to generate the report to list the Active inventory as on a 

given date with Average CWT price & Material Value.


Inventory Value by Location

The report provided the value of inventory in stock at various locations as on a given date,

to take corrective action on inventory which is being held for a long period.

or lose its value affects the profitability of the company.

Inventory Restock Report

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

The report is generated to take stock of inventory which was sent for processing &

balance Raw material received from the processor is accounted in inventory.


Inventory Write down Details

An inventory write-down is a process followed by the company to revalue its stock

when its loses value due to change in material quality due to (wear & tear, rust or oxidation etc.,

or the market values drops down below its book value.


Inventory Aging Report

The Inventory Aging Report provides the inventory age based on the date of receipt of material.

The number of items in the inventory based on their age is listed to take corrective measures,

to why the inventory is in stock for a long period or reason for sale not executed against the inventory.

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