Getting Started

Getting Started

Common features for most modules in SDS/SSCS/TMS & WHS.
Read this page to familiarize yourself with the application.
Read the Basic Principles/Steps and watch the optional videos to get you started.



Shortcut Keys 

Insert Key:
In addition to selecting the Add button to add any information, the Insert key on the keyboard

will automatically open the appropriate window for adding a record from a browse/list.

Special Function Keys:
From anywhere in SDS/SSCS/TMS & WHS, these function keys will perform the following:

F4 Key - Rockwell Chart

F7 Key - Coating Codes (coating codes maintainable by client. Base ones are loaded when system starts, but you can add/edit them.)

F8 Key - Grades (coating codes maintainable by client. Base ones are loaded when system starts, but you can add/edit them.)

F9 Key - PIW OD

F11 Key - Electronic Wheel and other Miscellaneous conversions

Underlined Characters on buttons:
For message dialog boxes when prompted to choose YES or NO or CANCEL,

if you press the character that corresponds to the button. you want, to choose,

Press the KEY on the keyboard instead of clicking with mouse. So, in the example of buttons with YES or NO or CANCEL,

pressing the 'Y' key is the same as clicking the button YES on the Dialog Window.
The above features will allow faster manoeuvring throughout the program.


Wizards in the system are features available in the application to ease the process/entity.
1. Once you create an Invoice from a Release, you can edit the Invoice by add/remove line items, or any other fields in the Invoice.
2. Once you create a Release from a SO, you can edit the Release and add/remove line items, or any other fields about the Release.
3. Once you create a SO from Inventory, you can edit the SO and add/remove line items, or any other fields about the SO.

Once you change a header process/entity’s information, it does not affect the lower.
1. If you add another line item to a Release after creating an Invoice, the Invoice will not get the newly added Release item.
2. If you add another line item to a SO after creating a Release, the Release will not reflect the newly added SO Item.

However, If, you change a tags information or a Part Numbers information, then the printing of one of the above might be affected.


Rule of thumb:

In a wizard created entity, if you can open the line item and type in/edit the field, then changing the header level process will not affect it.

Module Main Window

Every module within SDS/SSCS/TMS & WHS  has a main window with functions that are common throughout the system.

Pictured below is the inventory module main window.

  1. Menu Bar

The menu bar provides access to all the functions available within the module. All available screens, reports, and module settings are available from the menus 

  1. Tool Bar

The tool bar has buttons to quickly access the most used functions within the module.


Common Browse Window Functions

In SDS/SSCS/TMS & WHS a browse window is any window that displays records in a list format.

The Active Inventory screen is a perfect example.

1) Locate/Sorting Tabs:
The tabs at the top of a browse window are used to change which column the locator field uses to look up whatever you have typed in it. When clicking on a tab, it also sorts the browse window on that column.

2) Locator Field:
The locator field is where you type in the record you are looking for. Pressing Tab after typing data will populate /highlight the browse window to the nearest matching record. In this example, if you change the tab to "By PO" then typing data the locator field will search for the PO number. If you change it to "By Storage Tag" then it will search for a record with the storage tag number.

3) Column Header:
Column headers can be clicked on to sort (Ascending Order) the browse window by that column. Clicking it a second time reverses to descending order. The columns can be moved to left or right by clicking and dragging them, they can only be moved one column left or right at a time. For more on browse customization, see the  customizing a browse window section.

4) Browse Window:
Data displayed which fulfils the default query of the Window

5) Current Filter:
This section displays on parameters the browse window is currently filtered.

6) Buttons:

The features available in the screen which facilitates the process/Functions which can be triggered.

Customizing a Browse Window

It is possible to customize most browse windows within SDS/SSCS/TMS & WHS to quickly display the information as a user preference.

These customizations are saved so that each time you go into that window, the screen will display Columns /Filters the same as when you left.


1) The first part of this window controls the columns displayed in the browse window. The left side shows all the fields available to add to your browse window.

2) The right side shows all fields currently displayed in the browse window.

3) Use the Add and Remove buttons to move fields over to the right side or back to the left.

4) Use the up and down arrows on the right side to move the position of each field to wherever you would like it. Moving a field up in the list moves it to the left of the browse window, while moving it down in the list moves it farther to the right.

5) Font, Font size & color can be changed to user preferences.

6) Text alignment of the label of column & Field data.

7) Column Attributes Fixed, Resize & Border can be modified.


Note: These settings are stored in INI files saved within the windows user profile folders. Each module has its own ini file named after that module.

Filtering a Browse Window

Filtering feature is available in almost all Browse Windows to search records matching the criteria the user is seeking for to process/trigger an activity.
In this example, Let us create how to filter the inventory window to find any coils over 15" wide

Next, we need to scroll through the inventory till we find the first coil that is 15" wide. the system automatically uses greater than and less than filters, we must go to the next coil up the list. In this case it is 15" wide. Right click on that highlighted record inside of the width column.  click on the filter menu and system auto populates options of Filter ,  or the user can use the option of user filter  : "Add Filter of (Width = 15)".

On selecting the filter option the System populates records matching the criteria, all active inventory that is 15" wide is listed. But that is still a lot of inventory... What if we wanted to see only coils equal to 15" wide, and weighing over 40,000 pounds?

Additional filters can be applied within other columns to search for records matching our need. Here the system has fetched records matching both the criteria of 15" Wide & Scale weight over 40,000 pounds.

Exporting a Browse Window 

Data Listed in most of the brows

e windows can be exported either to Microsoft Excel, an HTML file, a graph or directly to a printer.



if "comment" like fields or field input with any of the following listed having specials characters are included in the browse to be exported,

EXPECT Excel to get the rows wrong.

The following characters will mess up exporting to CSV.
CR – carriage return
LF – line feed
Double quote.



Open Office/Libre - if you are using Open Office/Libre (free software that substitutes the need for Microsoft Office). expect quirky results when opening export with Open Office.

To export a browse window, first we need to customize the window, to ensure the fields available in the window are same fields  in Excel and information on it that you would like to either print or export to Excel. To learn how to do this, read customizing a browse window.

We can use the  filtering option to limit the results that are exported. See filtering a browse window to learn how to do this.

Once the windows have been set up the way the data has to be exported, simply right click anywhere within the browse window and select Output, then choose the option to export.

Graph on - Displays a bar graph categorizing the data in the window based on the column you clicked within.

(Note: There is a Limitation on the no of records represent graphically (have 50 or fewer unique data categories. ex. If you graph on the product class, you must have 50 or fewer different product types)

Print All - Displays a report containing all the data displayed in the browse window.

Print Page - Prints directly to your default printer only the data displayed currently on the screen. Provision not available to print records that would be displayed by scrolling up or down.

Export to Excel - Creates an Excel file containing all the data from the browse window.

Export to HTML - Creates an HTML file containing all the data from the browse window.

To Export

If you have a list box, data to be exported as an output(export) to CSV/Excel, click on right-mouse  button inside the browse window in the list area.

If an extensive menu(below) comes up, then the export ability is in that list box.

Click anywhere in the list box.

Right-click on the mouse, highlight the Output, then pick Export to Excel (My Docs\XXXXX-xport.csv). XXXXX = name of module or list box you are in/on.

See "Other PC Help, Where are exported files 

"Problems" File Opens in Notepad. Notepad opens or will pop up a window with the following message you do not have Microsoft Excel. An alternative is OpenOffice/Libre which is free. Go to you know Excel is installed in your computer but after doing export it still opens notepad.  

The default program that Windows starts (or associates) with a CSV filetype is wrong. See "How to reset associated filetypes  Other PC Help "

Nothing happens after the export.

the file name to be exported is locked or open by another program. Try closing all programs. If still will not start, then reboot your system.

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