Family Tree

Family Tree

Family Tree Module

The module displays the link of Tags, owner & customer material family tree is displayed.
A picture containing applicationDescription automatically generated 

Click on by tag, click on the search button, choose the tag to view the relationship of the Tags

TimelineDescription automatically generated with low confidence

The screen will provide information of PO Material or Processing , Click on the  view PO to check the PO details &

Click on show cost will display the cost.

Customer Master Tag Details

Click on the Customer tool bar, the below window will pop up,

TimelineDescription automatically generated

click on search to choose the customer tag after selection of the record 

the details of the material received from the customer screen will be displayed, click on VIEW TAG.

Graphical user interface, application, tableDescription automatically generated

To receive material of a customer for processing, click on Add as shown in the screen below,

Graphical user interface, application, tableDescription automatically generated

Enter the data required from the customer BOL information to production to work on the material.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

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