Inventory Costing
The topic covers inventory costing specific to tags
Value VS Cost
Value VS Cost
Inventory Value (asset) VS inventory Cost (expense)…. For accounting purposes, consider two entities, what is VALUE and what is COST.
Inventory Value is defined using Steel cost, Freight In (including RAIL), Processing, Scrap, Debit, Markdowns (including Cost Avg(s)) and Write downs. The value is calculated using the INVOICE WEIGHT.
1) Inventory Cost (revised price) includes ALL of the above. PLUS, storage, freight out, adjustments, credit cost, usually, the value is used with the SCALE WEIGHT. Why consider scale weight, these are expenses, not assets.
Plus, the invoices received from vendors are based on scale weight.
2) Inventory Value VS inventory Cost, in most cases will never match and cannot be compared against each other, they are different all together for accounting purposes.
We know this to be bit confusing, but the system keeps track of every cost attributed to material, both on value and cost side.
If you have Accounting Style 2 setup, the system works on Accruals.
An Inventory Tag carries the following: