Check Reconcile Daily

Check Reconcile Daily

Check Reconcile - Daily

Select the Bank account to be reconciled, enter the clearing date, if any debits like Bank Charges

or Interest credited by the bank the same can be accounted by choosing the appropriate account.

The process of daily reconcile is enumerated in easy steps as shown in the screenshot below.


Check Reconcile - Monthly

Step -1 Select the Bank account to reconcile,

Step -2 Click on search to update beginning balance, 

Step-3 Enter the start date and end date. 

Step-4  Update the amount in service /bank charges or interest , if any debited or credited with the transaction date, Click on post to account 

under appropriated account heading.

Step-5 Choose the clear date, select the deposit amount credited record and

Step-6 Click on   to update the record as cleared,

after each  the record will be updated with as cleared. Repeat the process till all the deposits @ the bank are credited / has been cleared.

Step-7 Choose the clearing date for checks presented and cleared by the bank (debited to account) and

Step-8 click on   to clear the all the check presented for the period.


Step -9 As shown above both deposits and check have been cleared no of items and amount is shown,

  click refresh to get the latest, Print the Bank recon statement to tally with the bank balance and book balance.

Uncleared Checks

Select the bank account to view the list of uncleared checks disbursed to vendors still to be presented.

Credit Card Reconcile

Step-1 Select the credit card account to be reconciled and beginning balance.

Step-2 Enter start date and end date the period to be reconciled.

Step-3 & 4 Charges and cash advances from the bank to be accounted in the respective headings and same to be cleared, 

Step-5 Amount paid through credit card are expenses to be cleared.

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