Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts

Chart(Of Accounts)

Chart of accounts is an index of all financial accounts in the General Ledger of a company to record transactions.

New account number/heads can be created to account nature of expenses/gains etc.,

if any change in the existing account number, click on change .

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

A picture containing applicationDescription automatically generated 

Account: Use only Numerals for easier accounting process, the numerals cannot be changed after transaction are posted to it.

Shell Account: Enable the check box, if it's a header account & no transaction are posted to it,( One or many Child accounts can be tagged to the Shell Account).

Description: Description of the account to be entered should be simple & easy to understand.

Account Type: On choosing the account type the    

flag Credit Account/Debit Account will be auto interpolated in the screen.

Parent Account: The parent account type to be selected if the account must be grouped under a header account.

Graphical user interface, text, application, WordDescription automatically generated
Initial Balance: For a New Start-up the initial balance should be zero,

enter the balance amount from the legacy system with initial date,

Please note the Currency will be defaulted from the Initial Company Setup.

Status: Active will be the default status, if any account has been created wrongly & if transaction are not  posted make it  inactive.

Bank Account: The field will be populated if the account created is a bank account Enable the check box,

also, the tabs on the top has to be updated refer screen below for the check number & initial balance.

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated 

Divisions: The account created may be applicable for few division/s only, hence

division to be added against the account number for ascertaining Profit & Loss against each division.

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Balances: Once transaction are posted in the account the Balance at the end of each period will be populated &

the current balance as at the end of any transaction will be displayed, if click on View Full transactions ,

irrespective of the period the transactions will be populated.

Graphical user interface, application, tableDescription automatically generated 

Budget:  Click on budget to update the budgeting amount for each month for analysis of actual vs budgeted.

TableDescription automatically generated with low confidence

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