Basic Principles-Steps

Basic Principles-Steps

Basic principles for using the Steel Distribution Software/SSSCS, TMS AND WHS  program are listed below.

Quick List of the movement of a coil from buy to accounting.

Create a Vendor to purchase from. (Use Vendor/Customer module) -

Create a customer to sell to. (Use Vendor/Customer module) -

Create a Purchase Order (PO). (Use PO module) -View Video: MaterialCut to Length

Receive in from the PO and create a tag. (Use PO module to receive) - View Video for More details

Create a Sales Order (SO) and apply the tag created from the above receive. (Use SO module)

Create a Release/BOL from the above SO. (use SO module, create release straight from SO created above)

Create Release/BOL from Inventory. (Use Inventory module) - View Video

Create an Invoice from the above Release. (Use Release/Dispatch module) - View Video (same as 6-1)

Apply payments to the Receivable (which was created when the Invoice was created above). (Use Receivables module)

Pay for material(steel) you bought to sell. (Use Payables module) -

Create Payable. View Video

Write the check. View Video

Get paid...creating a deposit. View Video

Understand accounting overview.

Video Help:

Create Check

Create Deposit

Create Steel Payable

PO-Enter Material

PO-Entry-Cut to Length

Receive Inventory from Material PO

Release To Invoice

First add customers and vendors, often customers and vendors are one & the same, they are both listed under the Vendors/Customers module.  

Vendors/Customers Overview.

Once customers/vendors have been added, purchase orders may be entered.  There are eight types of purchase orders:  Material, Processing (Slit), and Other (Non-Steel).  Active PO.

Accounts Payable information is completed under the Payables module.  Accounts Payable is divided into six categories:  Freight, Rail, Steel, Processing, Storage, and Other (Non-Steel).  Accounts Payable Overview.

Understand accounting overview here.


Video Help:

Create Check

Create Deposit

Create Steel Payable

PO-Enter Material

PO-Entry-Cut to Length

Receive Inventory from Material PO

Release To Invoice

First add customers and vendors.  Since often customers and vendors become one in the same, they are both listed under the Vendors Customers module.  Vendors/Customers Overview.

Once customers/vendors have been added, purchase orders may be entered.  There are eight types of purchase orders:  Material, Processing (Slit), and Other (Non-Steel).  Active PO.

Accounts Payable information is completed under the Payables module.  Accounts Payable is divided into six categories:  Freight, Rail, Steel, Processing, Storage, and Other (Non-Steel).  Accounts Payable Overview.

 In order to enter material into inventory, invoice material, sales order, process material, or release material, it must first be received.  Once material has been received, the inventory screen will automatically open.  Receive Material.

All received material is kept in inventory until processed (slit) or sold.  Inventory may be sorted the following ways for Browsing Tag Number, Purchase Order Number, Gage, Product, Input Date, Invoice Number (closed invoices only), Location, Customer (active invoices only), and Mill Tag Number or any other way the user can think of.  Active Inventory

Creating and viewing invoices begin with the Invoice module by simply clicking the shortcut Flashlight icon.  For viewing, active invoices are displayed by invoice number and by company.  Active Invoice.

Credits and debits may be added, viewed, and tracked through the Receivables program.  Reports included, but are not limited to, customer statements, monthly receivables, open invoices, and past due over ninety-day lists.  Accounts Receivables Overview.

The heart of all accounting, also known as the general ledger, carefully tracks the flow of payables, receivables, balances, budgets, and statements.  General Ledger Overview.

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