



The below window displays the access right of the user groups,

with complete access to the module or no access for update etc.,

enabled or disabled check box against each module.

Click on  to view the list of users,

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Click on Add to create new users, based on the user the access right is provided as " Supervisor" full access to all modules

"Operator" restricted access.

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The individual user preferences, default settings & email configurations are

configured to ease the process of the user when the process or functionality of the

modules are used to receive mail or not to receive or to receive email on fulfilment of certain conditions.

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On Click of properties the users in the general setting, the approval for

PO & SO is configured as account manager with approval limits.

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Password Change

The option to change password is available in two menus.

The user can use any one of his choice, as shown in the screen below.

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The window below will pop up for change of password, will be prompted to enter the Old Password

& to enter the New Password, Confirm Password(New).

Click on  to save changes.

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Logged In

The screen displays the metadata of the user system, the user name, Application Version etc.,

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Company Info Tab: The basic information of the company is configured.

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Remit To Tab: The details for receiving payment from customers and other is updated,

the same will be printed in the print shared to customer etc.,

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Locations Tab: The location will be defaulted at the time of receipt of material or on raising a PO.

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File Locations  Tab: Document scanned, pictures/images of inventorySignatures in PO, Invoice & other

documents are stored in the common repository for the system to update & retrieval.

The files can be accessed from these location with buttons in the window modules.

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Company Settings Tab: The configurations made in the window are special settings which facilitates 

in the process or fields in the module, the settings made are default company settings based

on the requirement of the management of the company. Hence, access is restricted.

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Listed below are few settings with values & description for reference.

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Security Settings Tab: Password credential for the user is enabled, as highlighted the user

can choose any one of the option to set the password, set password expiry by defining the no of days & 

No of wrong tries.

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UI Settings Tab: The no of decimals for Gage, Width, Length are defined & attributes pertaining to Coil in Tag are set.

The user can also set the font style, color palette & browse settings.

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Email Settings User credentials for accessing the mail & automatic mail generation after

saving transaction of PO or Release or Sales order or Invoice.

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