Admin Materials

Admin Materials

Admin Materials -Coatings 

Maintain Coating Weights: 

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The browse window lists the coating weight values for different products per side & both sides,

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In the below window the coating weight against each code is maintained for each side low & high values.

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Material Type/UOM

The browse window lists all material types defined,

to add to a new material type click on ADD

to modify an existing material type, click on change.

Physical attributes can also be defined against each material type to make it easier for calculation.

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The browse window lists the products code with product description, category etc.,


In the below window the attributes of the products are defined for each location, category & Product type 

on selection of any prod class the other attributes will be auto populated.

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Product Category 

The browse window list the product category created, on click of Add new product category can be created,

to modify an existing product category, click on change.

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In the below window the product category details are maintained.


Product Types

The product types are listed in the below browse window,

New product type can be created by clicking on Add & to change the product type click on change.

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Inventory Grade

The browse window lists the inventory grade chemistry & physicals as per the standard against 

each grade lookup the chemistry combination composition is defined with min & max values. 

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New grade can be added by Click on ADD & any modifications to existing grade can be done by click on change, 

the standards of ASTM & JIS method is selected to ensure the materials are in conformity of the international standards.

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Page 2 - Combination check of compounds is maintained, any special check of carbon is also maintained ,

after entering the values, the correctness of the values will be sign off by the Data Entry User, management, production & quality.

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Comment if any will be update in the comments tab.

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Ductility Tolerances Maintain-Update

The browse window lists the prod class with ductility , ductility can also be maintained without product specific (general)

The tensile strength , yield & elongation are the main criteria for ductility.

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Condition Of Material

The browse lists the status of material condition to be selected at the time of receipt from

the vendors/customers return of material supplied. 

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Defect Codes

The browse lists the defects of material condition to be selected at the time of receipt from

the vendors/customers return of material supplied,

few attributes of the material received is compared with the PO or customer PO.

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Defect Codes Update

New defect codes can be added, or any existing defect codes can be modified by click on change.

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Material Origination

The browse lists the origination of the material,

the list value is selected at the time of vendor/customer creation. 

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Melt Source

The browse lists the details of furnace.

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Mill Name

The browse lists the Mill Name, to add New Mill , Click on ADD &

Click on Change to modify existing Mill name.

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Inventory Fields:

The browse lists the details of Edge type, 

to add New Edge Type , Click on ADD &

Click on Change to modify existing Edge Type.

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Finish Options

The browse windows list the finish code maintained in the system,

The codes maintained are different types of finish to be selected on raising the PO.

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The browse list types of hardnesshardness type maintained is selected when the material PO is raised or 

when the material is received.

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Inv Hold Codes

The browse window lists the Inv Hold codes, the inv hold codes.

maintained is selected at the time of release or when an invoice.

is created to put on hold the material supply.

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Inventory Owner

The browse window lists inventory owner,

inventory owner is maintained to select the ownership of material.

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The browse window lists the NCT/CT values, the values maintained are selected when the inventory is received or 

at the time of processing whether the inventory needs NCT or CT or other process.

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Surface Finish

The browse windows list the values of surface finish,

the values maintained are selected on receipt of material or

after the material is processed.

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PIW OD Table

The browse window lists the values of PIW OD details, the PIW will be displayed on choosing the 

coil Outer diameter against each inner diameter the weight pound width in inches.

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Pipe Chart

The browse lists the attributes of each tube/pipe sizes, 

the weight against each pipe size is mentioned for easy reference. 

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Sample Size

The browse window lists sample size available, the sample size maintained will be

dispatched to customers on request.

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Slit Width Matrix

The browse window lists matrix details of parts produced,

the ordered gage, shape and other attributes of the item is maintained with

tolerance and no of pieces produced per shift.

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Paint SKU Numbers

The browse window lists the SKU numbers, the SKU numbers are

maintained for easy reference of stock from the vendors.

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Paint Systems

The browse window lists paint system, paint system maintained is selected on raising a PO, 

specific instructions to be followed when the material is supplied. 

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Neck Down


The browse lists the values of neck down gage,

the maintained neck down gage is selected.

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The browse lists the values of neck down width,

the maintained neck down width is selected.

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The browse lists the values of neck down rock well width,

the maintained neck down rock well width is selected.

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Width Tolerance

The browse lists the values of neck down width tolerance,

the maintained neck down width tolerance is selected.

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Gage Tolerances

The browse lists the values of gage tolerances,

the maintained gage tolerances is selected.

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Sheet Thickness Tolerances

The browse lists the values of sheet thickness tolerances,

the maintained sheet thickness tolerances is selected.

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Received Weight Differences

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Scrap Index

Scrap Index

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Scrap Index Markdown

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