


PO Buyers

The browse window lists PO Buyers,

the PO buyers are maintained with email and signature path to raise PO and approve.

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PO Descriptions

The browse windows list PO Desc,

the PO descriptions are maintained to be selected while raising a PO for the vendor to fulfil the order.

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PO FOB Lookup

The browse window lists FOB lookup,

FOB lookup is maintained to be selected while raising a PO.

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PO Slit Categories

The browse window lists the slit categories, the slit categories maintained is selected. 

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PO Price Break Desc

The browse window lists PO Price break desc,

the maintained Po Price break desc is selected on raising the PO in Price break out tab.

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Price Level 

The browse window lists price level, the price level is maintained on two price structures,

a) on percentage (%) , b) on CWT..

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Price Matrix

The browse window lists the price matrix types; the price matrix type maintained for against vendor/customer is selected in the 

vendor/customer master pricing matrix. The price matrix basic configuration can be maintained with more than one dimension. 

as shown in the below screen.

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Price Matrix Value

The browse window lists the price matrix value, the price matrix value maintained. 

in the PRICE MATRIX- is displayed with matrix values of lower limit, multiplier and adder values.

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Process Codes

Process Codes

The window lists the process code, 

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the process code maintained in the below window with basic configuration,

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the pricing, product mapping and lead time with division is maintained in the respective tab.

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Process Code Production

The windows list the process code production, 

the process code production mapping matrix is.

maintained with mapping of product class.

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The browse window lists the regions,

the regions maintained is analyse sales target, inventory consumption region wise.

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Release From

The browse window lists release from,

the release from maintained is selected in the release module.

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Sales Comments

The browse window lists the sales comments, the sales comments/disclaimer maintained is selected on 

raising a sales order.

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Sales Description

The browse window lists sales description, the sales description maintained is selected. 

on raising sales order for customer to make note.

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Sales Extra Charges

The browse window lists sales extra charges,

the sales extra charges maintained to be selected on raising sales order.

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Sales People

The window lists salesperson, the sales person are maintained to be selected on raising 

a sales order or an invoice for analysing the achievement of sales target set against the sales person.

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Customer Service Reps

The browse window lists the customer service reps,

the customer service reps will be selected on raising the sales order.

and also tagged against a customer in the vendor/customer master.

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Sales Category

The browse window lists the sales category,

the sales category maintained to analyse the sales made against each category.

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Part Number Sales Code

The browse window lists the part number, 

the part number of a customer is tagged against the sales code to choose on creating a sales order.

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Sales Release Status

The browse window lists the sales release status,

the sales release status maintained for selection on creating a dispatch or release.

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Inquiry Dispositions

The browse window lists the dispositions options, the disposition options maintained.

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Quote Reject Codes

The browse window lists reject reason for a quote received, the reject reasons are maintained.

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Sales Tax

The window lists the sales tax code, the sales tax code are maintained with rate.

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Tax Authorities

The browse window lists the tax authorities, the tax authorities are maintained.

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Tariff Codes

HTS Codes

The browse window lists tariff code, the tariff code is maintained against the country mapped with product.

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HTS Exclusion Codes

The browse window lists the exclusion of HTS tariff code,

the HTS tariff code maintained against a product and dimension.

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Custom's Brokerages

The browse window lists the brokerage’s, the custom's brokerages maintained against the vendor.

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Traffic Regions

The window lists the traffic regions, the regions are maintained at the time of release when the truck depart.

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Preferred Carrier Codes

The browse window lists the preferred carriers,

the preferred carriers maintained would be given priority for release /dispatch.

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The browse window lists the terms,

the terms are maintained to be selected on creating a customer/Vendor and 

the terms is selected while raising a PO or when a sales order or invoice is created.

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Time Zone

The browse window lists the time zone,

the time zone is maintained to be selected on creation of the company for each user, 

The user activity with date & time of any transaction create, update logs are recorded in the audit logs

for reference.

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The browse window lists unloading,

the unloading type maintained in the window is selected when the material is received.

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The browse windows list the category of customers,

the customer’s category is maintained to be selected when the customer master is created,

the category helps in data analyse of sales.

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The browse window lists the type, the type is maintained for selection while creating a vendor or customer master.

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The browse window lists the industry, the industry maintained and selected on creating. 

a vendor/customer to identify the sales or purchase made industries.

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The browse window lists countries, the countries maintained is selected when vendor/customer is created.

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The browse window lists states, the states maintained is selected when vendor/customer is created.

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Web Service Configuration

The browse window lists the web service configuration, the web service configuration.

is maintained with online update of data from time to time from the source to the table maintained in application.

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