

Insurance Companies

The browse window lists the insurance companies,

the insurance companies are maintained in the window and is selected while creating an invoice, for all international orders the inventory shipped is to be covered by insurance.

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Item Codes

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Maintain Part/Item Mappings

The browse windows list the mapping of part number with item code,

The mappings are maintained, to make it easier for the user to choose when a part number is selected the mapped item code is

populated in the field with all the attributes & vice versa.

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The browse window lists the shapes, the shapes master is maintained to.

make aware of the inventory for its dimension and physical attribute for loading, unloading. 

and the carriers while transporting the inventory. 

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Invoice Descriptions

The browse window lists the customized invoice description,

the description is maintained which is being used often to be selected while creating invoice.

The instructions can be specific to a customer or may depend on the invoice type apart from instructions.

typed in the field which provides additional information,

eases the user to select instead of repeatedly typing the instructions.

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The browse lists the languages, the languages is maintained,

the user has the option to select the languages,

in the preferences of my profile for the user.

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Letters of Credit 

The browse lists the LC’s provided by the bankers on behalf of customers account receivable,

LCs are maintained to keep track of expiry of the LCs and to present the same to the bankers,

when the customer fails to make payment.

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The browse lists the locations where the materials are received, stored, and dispatched to the customer,

few locations may be maintained by outsider for logistics purpose which may be for space or vicinity to carriers. 

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The location details are maintained in the location tab info, with contact name, inside location or outside location,

Day wise timings are maintained for material receipt both for loading & unloading, apart from the day wise,

timings can be maintained for any specific dates and time.

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My Documents 

The browse window provides option to user for creating, folder within the system to save files , scans, images etc., 

for retrieval. The option is also available from the main menu of the module. 

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Oceanic Ports

The browse lists oceanic ports, the ports are maintained to be selected for

international orders for shipping while creating release order or on generating an invoice.

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Operation Codes

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Default Specs =The browse window lists the packaging codes; the packaging codes can be maintained as requested by the customer or as it may deem fit for the material shipped. The packaging type can be selected for each entity of the package with plant details (like forklift, crane etc.,), which makes it easier for the dispatch to follow the instructions and accordingly plan the delivery activity. In case of special packaging instructions, the cost involved can be calculated and can be invoiced to the customer.A picture containing tableDescription automatically generated

Packaging Options

The browse window lists the options of packaging, the option are maintained as a separate master field,

for each option multiple field values are defined to be selected while maintaining package spec number.

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Skid Tare Weights

The browse window lists location wise packaging skids configuration with rate,

the skid dimension are maintained with price to be selected when the packing of material.

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Barcode Tag Printer Type

The browse window lists the barcode tag type, the barcode tag type is configured, to be printed and pasted in the material.

The barcode has all the details of the material in the tag, when scanned all the details will get updated in the respective field.

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Part Number Categories

The window lists the part categories,

the part categories are maintained to be selected when part number are created. 

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