Admin Maintenance-A

Admin Maintenance-A

Admin Maintenance

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Attachment Types

The browse window lists the attachment types which is configured against modules,

if the check box is enabled for auto add, the system will automatically attach the file once the

a transaction or record is created in the module.

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Invoices raised on international orders are to be insured through banks, based on the international business

the banks will provide a credit limit to company, which is insured against the inventory shipped overseas.

The banks is to be selected on creating the overseas invoice appropriately to keep track of the credit limit.

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Control Numbers

The system is designed to internally generate sequence number for each module,

if the company decides to generate a sequence separately for each module or for specify module for identification, easy reference,

the same can be configured in the window. The configuration can be done on yearly basis or when the company decides to change.

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Consignee Name 

The browse window lists the consignees, the consignees may be the truck carriers,

who take possession of the inventory in few instances when the material is not directly delivered.

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Cost Centres

The browse window lists the cost centres, the cost centre will be selected on creating a PO,

to identify the cost accrued to the cost centre.

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The browse window lists all the currency,

the currency is maintained to be selected while creating a PO or SO or invoice. 

Also at the time of creating a payable or receiving a receivable.

The default currency is maintained in module defaults (PO, Invoices and Payables). 

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Custom Field

The browse window lists the custom field, the custom field is maintained to be selected while creating a Po. 

or to be update in the inventory tag as special instruction for specify PO or inventory tag.

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Cut Instructions

The browse windows lists the cut instructions provided by the customer to be followed while processing a toll work order,

due care should be taken to select the correct cut instructions & 

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Debit Management 

Debit Reason   

The browse windows lists the debit reason,

the debit reason is maintained to be selected on receipt of material.

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Debit Approvers 

 The window displays the debit approvers,

The debit approvers are maintained to  be selected on receiving material

for approval of the amount to vendor.

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Debit Root Cause 

The browse window lists debit root cause,

debit root cause is maintained to ensure repeat errors do not occur.

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The debit responsibility is maintained in the window as per the statutory process,

to fix responsibility. 

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The department in the organization is maintained for selection while creating people, user access to the system etc.,

based on the department the modules will be accessed.

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The browse window lists the divisions of the company,

The divisions are maintained based on the geographical area as a top-level entity.

for profit analysis across divisions. 

Each division is tagged to higher level entity as shown below in the screen shot. 

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Mapped Accounts: Mapped Cost Centres

The account heads are mapped against each division based on the activity performed in the division,

not all division will have cost centres as the expenses would be administrative nature,

in few other divisions plants/processing might be attached to which cost centres will be tagged to the division.

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Named Accounts: Accounts heads are tagged for each division for each type of expense, revenue, asset & liability etc.,

The accounts head are configured to ascertain the profitability of each division.

The analysis will provide overall functioning of the division and to take corrective action,

in case if any of the division performance is not as expected.

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Address, persons responsible for roles assigned to fulfil the functioning of the division is configured.

Few default settings for sales order and purchase order are configured exclusively for the division.

which takes precedence over the configuration made in the individual module defaults.  

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Event Codes for Emails 

The browse window lists the event codes for email configuration,

Email is automatically triggered for fulfilment of any action or field configured in the module.

Listed below are the events for which email will be automatically generated from the system from the respective module on save of the transaction or on completion of a field update.

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Template of the email is configured in the below window with subject, recipient and

body text with status to enable of disable for each location.

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The company preferring to use customized email can also be configured apart from those configured in the modules.

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Company Email Queue

The below windows list the status of the email generated, the unprocessed email will be listed as pending, 

which can be reprocessed by either clicking on or refresh   .

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The browse window lists the FOB, the FOB is maintained to be selected at the time of creating invoice.

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Freight Types 

The browse window lists the freight type, the freight type is maintained to be selected while creating a sales order, creating the invoice and creating a PO.

The pricing on freight is based on the type selected, if "PP" is selected the price is inclusive of Freight charges. 

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Listed freight type with description to decide for selection on creating a Po, SO or invoice.

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INCO Terms 

The browse window lists the Inco terms(International commercial terms),

the terms are maintained and is updated in the sales info tab of vendors/customers and to be selected in

Ship to/ Bill To tab of the invoice module to be printed.

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Invoice Custom Lookups

The browse window lists the custom field,

the custom lookups are maintained in the window, the lookups are listed in the invoice 

module to be selected. The lookups are specific for customers having special instructions.

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The browse window lists the instructions, the instructions are maintained and is available in the module instructions.

to be selected in the (PO, SO & Parts) instructions apart from those entered in the tab or the module default instructions

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