Active Inventory-B

Active Inventory-B

Lookup Old Storage Tags

There are instances when the storage tags is available to trace the tag no of the inventory based on storage number.

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Location History

The browse window lists the tags for which location has been changed on a particular date.

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Search All Inventory Tags Memos

The process helps in search of system generated memos with date, time and user against inventory tags.

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In the search field enter the text to locate against the selected tags.

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The window below displays the memos of tag 200772 both systems generated & by user.

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Inventory By Division Item code

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Apply Other costs.

The browse window lists with date of cost, amount, cost description, cost directly attached to a tag or multiple tags with 

system generated invoice number.

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On click of add, the  invoice number is auto populated with system date time stamping appended together

chose the cost type , enter the cost in the field, if Cost type = GL Cost,

chose the account heads to account the cost incurred against the tags.

if the cost type is Non-GL the same will be accounted in profit & loss account.

Interest on cost of   holding unsold inventory for a long period will be accounted in Profit & loss account.

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Break the Bundle

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The process of splitting a single master tag into multiple splits tags -" Break the Bundle".

click on search to open the list of active inventories to choose the master tag, enter the date on which the tag is split,

enter the no of tags to receive from the master tag.

The system will populate a message window with details of split weight and no of pieces against each storage tag.

with suffix - "X" appended.

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Make the Bundle

By click on add the list of active inventory tags will be listed to chose

for creating a bundle of multiple tags to a single tag.

The tags inventory can be of different weight, but the inventory should be uniform.

Once merged the total weight and no of total pieces of the tags will be displayed as shown in the below screens.

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Bundle History

The screen functionality lists the records of the tags complied more than one.

as â€śMake a Bundle" or Tag Split into multiple bundles" Break Bundle" .

The tags are listed on the right window when each of the records.

 is selected with source tag no and destination tag number.

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Cost Average Material

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Close A Tag

The option is available only for Supervisory users and

in exceptional instances of the inventory tag. 

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Write Down - By Tag

Write down is a process in which the asset value of the inventory in the books is reduced to the fair market value to make it uniform.

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To reduce the asset value of an individual tag, click on Add,

click on search to choose the tag from the list of active inventories,

enter the accounting date for the asset reduction value, enter the price by which the asset reduction has to valued, 

based on the invoice weight the revised dollar amount is displayed. 

click on save to commit the transaction.

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The GL Entry is shown below, the inventory asset is reduced by $ 91 & the write down is accounted in COGS-Write downs.

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Write Down - By Batch 

The browse window lists the created write downs of multiple tags in batch mode.

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Click on Add to create a new Batch of tags for Write down,

the create window has 3 options of write downs as listed below.

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By Given Amount: (Write Down /Write Up) The overall amount for incremental/ decremental

in value of the inventory is entered in the amount field which will be distributed against the tags based on weight.

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By Given Percentage: (Write Down /Write Up) The percentage defined in the field applied to all the tags in the batch.

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By Tag :( Write Down /Write Up) The Write down or write up is applied to all the selected tags with the

options as shown in the screen. Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

In the below screens, the write up value against the batch of tag with enhanced amount is displayed.

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View Inventory Tag

The option to view individual tag details in whatever status "Active" or "Closed",

enter the tag no & click on to view the tag.

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