Active Inventory-A

Active Inventory-A

Active Inventory, Closed Inventory, ALL Inventory 

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Material received from the vendor or from the processor is maintained in the system under inventory module until processed or sold.

The user has the option to search the inventory with the tabs available. or use the range filter (Get Inventory Filter- Screen).

The user has the option to search the inventory with any one of the fields attributes of the inventory to locate the inventory. 

Options are available for shipping releases and creating sales orders from the Active Inventory screen.

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Tag Number is system generated on receipt of material from the vendor or processor in PO Module or appointments module.

The Previous Tag Number field will be empty unless the coil is processed, the current tag number will become the previous tag number and a new tag number will be assigned.

Fields from the PO and PO Line item will be auto populated and description.

from the module defaults of PO, Sales Order also will be auto populated and user will be prompted to enter the Product, if not selected in PO.

Min Gage, / Scale weight and width. Changes if any to the PO's can be invoked.

by click on the search field next to the PO or PO Line item. 

   Picture of the material can be attached to the tag for future reference by click on Show picture,

the below window will pop up and choose the image file of the inventory which was photographed at the time of receipt of material.

Any number of images can be attached to the tag multipleGraphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated time.

Page 2 Tab

The details of cost of the inventory can be ascertained by navigating to page 2 tab of inventory,

the cost is displayed on the right side of the window, with the header, for further details of .

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Properties- Tab

Heat Number entered in the PO will be auto populated in the inventory tag, if not the same can be updated in the field.

The chemistry of the inventory is checked, by clicking on 

the chemistry will be matched with reference values update in the master; the values can be entered manually.

based on the chemistry report. i 

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If entered wrongly will auto populate a message as shown below for corrective action.

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     will lists the difference in the value entered with the Master as shown below.

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with the values update in the Properties tab can be updated in the heat table master.   

The values from the heat table master will be updated in the field /s, if any difference in value/s was entered manually.

The values entered will be retained in the field and will not be checked with the Heat number.

Print Tag Details

The details of the tag can be generated by clicking on the  button,

the option to select any one of the reports.

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Shipping Report 

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Internal Tag - Shows Cost

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Show Full Chems

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Show Sales Description

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Just the Tag

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Closed Inventory 

The browse window will list all the inventory tag status with "C" and Audit Flag "A" or "U".

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ALL Inventory 

The browse window will list all inventory irrespective of the status of tag or Audit Flag Status.

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PO Inventory

POINV is a combination of "active" inventory and "active" PO line items of the available inventory.

The inventory available on purchase order line item are for sale.

The window lists all active inventory with PO and PO Line display details with chemistry on the right side.

of the window based on the inventory tag selected which helps the

Salesperson to finalize deals based on the available inventory the customer is seeking.

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PO Inventory-Style2

The PO inventory style -2 windows display the relevant details in the line item of the selected inventory tag.

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Custom Inventory Browse

The browse window lists active inventory with option to print inventory report.

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Print Inventory Sales List -1

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Print Inventory Sales List W/ Dollars

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Print Reserved Inventory

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Sold Inventory 

The browse windows list all tags which has been invoiced to the customer, the tags are in closed status but likely to be in our warehouse for customer pickup or waiting for carrier etc.,

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Deleted Tags

The browse windows list tags deleted; materials wrongly received.

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